Another Rip Roarin Day on the Farm! All the kiddos are in school, check. The morning feeding chores are done, check. Time to have a moment to myself, no check. Ugh! The Farmer is home today, and he always has a list of stuff to do. As if my own list is ever empty! So much for me relaxing!

On another note, my oldest daughter has her very 1st Middle School dance tonight! I don't think I can handle this. I have threatened to chaperone several times, which always results in the famous twelve-year-old eye roll, which is always one of my top 5 daily goals,I love that. Since chaperoning is out of the question, I guess my only other alternative is to hide out and watch from the sidelines. Which is more embarassing, seeing your mom at the dance as a chaperone or seeing her Army crawl on the school lawn? That's what I thought, maybe that will teach her a lesson. All fun aside, I am very proud of her and I wish I could make time slow down just a little. My little girl is growing up so fast.
Ok, Ok, are you ready for the very exciting news? I'll give you a few hints....
1) Her husband looks fabulous in Chaps!
Enough said, right? You all know who I'm talking about! Ree, The Pioneer Woman! She is stopping in Minnesota on her cookbook tour!

We are going to the Mall of America tomorrow to meet her and get our copies of her fabulous cookbook signed, we are so excited! We will take plenty of pictures and tell you all about it! Here is the information for her book signing tomorrow, if you happen to live in this neck of the woods and want to stop by and meet The Pioneer Woman in person.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
1:00 PM – Nordstrom Court
60 E Broadway
Bloomington, MN
Have a Great Weekend!