I am so happy that spring is knocking on my door! The snow is melting fast, the grass is starting to peek through, the birds are singing, the sun warms my back through the window as I type this. I love this time of year! Soon we will be planting our gardens, enjoying long evenings on our porch, smelling the sweet smells of fresh cut grass and tulips! It is also time for all of natures creatures to wake up from their long winter's nap, which brings me to one of my many interesting stories of real life at our farm!

It seems that we have somehow "adopted" a skunk or maybe a family of them at our farm under the old granary! Now I know they look nothing like Flower the skunk from Bambi, but it makes me feel better to have this image in my head. This all started a few weeks ago where we started to smell it occasionally. Occasionally has turned into daily. The smell is so potent sometimes we can smell it in the house, I leave to bring the girls to school and the vehicle smells of it. I get back in the vehicle and I can smell it. As I start to leave the parking lot of the school I start to wonder, OMG, do I smell like skunk? I can just hear it now, oh here they come, that crazy skunk smelling Haas family! Oh well maybe I will patent the smell in a bottle and start a whole new fad of smelling like skunk, very doubtful but humerous none the less! We are now trying to figure out how we are going to get rid of that skunk. We have yet to see it, only smell it!I will keep you posted on the skunk when I have more!

All of this talk about Spring makes me want to hear from you! What is your favorite part of Spring? What do you anticipate the most? Do you have a skunk as a pet? Tell me please, tell me I'm not alone! I want to make it even more exciting and to spread my love of Spring, I will pick a name on Monday, March 8th from all the posts and you will receive 1 of the picture above, our cute Robin's Blue Soy Chick on pillow filled with Lavender. Leave a comment, add a link on your blog to this post, come back and post a link to your blog and be entered twice! Also, if you place an order, you will be entered! A possibilty of 3 entries!I will post the winner on Monday, March 8th in the morning! Spread the word, have fun, enjoy the weather and welcome Spring!